185 Miles South Of Somewhere "Hardcore Punk Scene Reports From Around The Globe"

Please read: All zines comes with a tape featuring 21 bands from 21 countries (limited to 100). The total postage for zine + tape is 20€. That said, I can easily add a few more items without extra postage, so contact me if you wish to order more things so you don't have to pay extra.
What's up what's happening? A collaboration between Rebirth Records and 185 Miles South: over 100 scene reports from over 50 different countries all across the words. A fantastic document to get the downlow on where the venues and record stores are, where to grab food after the show, which bands to check out etc... Reports from all over the US, all the way to Brazil, South Africa, Denmark, Kyrgyzstan, China, the Basque Country and more...
120 A5 pages, perfect bound.