Colossaul Maus #4

Colossaul Maus #4

You know you gotta celebrate any new issue of the Maus (if you didn't know that, then it's time to get wize to da facts). Sticking to the same formula, 12-pages crammed with as much hardcore as can be fitted in there and a font made for magnifying glasses. I could do a write-up but I'll give it to you straight from the Maus' mouth:

"Tell your friends, enemies, and frenemies that the Maus is back! Now with a font size never seen before.

They say if you plagiarize from one band, you're actually stealing. But if you rip off riffs from five different bands, you're already reinterpreting. Something like this is the central theme of the new issue. "I steal from old country, old R&B, and soul songs. I'll be the first to admit it. I did that with Sheer Terror, but nobody realized it because they were too busy punching each other in the face in the pit.

Additional content: liberty-spiked cock with piercings, DM boots and camo feathers. Confusion over meatballs and polpetti."

12 A4 pages