Coming soon / Read for Postage

Coming sooner or later in the shop:
Drug Dogs zines about Saint Vitus and Trouble
Bad Brains in the Lowlands Restock
Age Of Lies #2
Get Wise #1
SlamSkankSlamSkank #2
Whichever new zine I come across that looks cool.
Wardance Records discography zine from Shining Life Press
I'll also be getting some copies of the Floorpunch book by Shining Life Press too, let me know in advance if you would like one.
Boiling Point book once it's out.
Maybe your zine too? Get in touch just in case. We do trades as well, but no photozines.
Please note that it’s tricky to set up accurate combined shipping with big cartel, so if you end up paying too much shipping we’ll reach out to you. Otherwise message us if you plan on ordering a few zines.
I can usually put up to 10-12 zines for a flat rate of 20€ shipping, sometimes more depending on their size, so don't hesitate to write and save on shipping, or if you have any other questions.