Gratitude #4

Long awaited issue of AJ McGuire's own Gratitude, this is a zine where all the content is not what one would expect from a typical zine, and in the best way possible. Sure, on the surface there are record and show reviews, interviews and deep dives - and the comics, let's not forget about thee too - but everything has an angle to it that makes it interesting and captivating.
Which hc band was on an episode of Judge Judy? How was the vibe in Austin around Power Trip in 2012? Which books about hc are worth picking up and why? Wanna find out about the esthetics of some of the best records in recent times, from Mindforce's Excalibur to Restraining Order's This World Is Too Much and more? Pick it up and find about it and much more!
2 copies left with black and white cover.
40 something A4 pages with more knowledge and random trivia that you could ask for.