Possessed Fanzine #15 to #22

Possessed Fanzine #15 to #22

Short and witty zine with great snarky write-ups about a variety of subjects. Not 100% a hardcore fanzine per say but every issue has a hardcore corner, and honestly, the writing quality alone should make you get this one. Even if you have no idea what he's on about, you'll keep reading and be entertained just the same. As for the content:

#15 : "Christo Roppolo interview, phrases I like, predicting what will be cool, presidential policies and much more."

#16 Sold Out

#17 : Sold Out

#18: "Staying up late, controversial footwear, twee songs that are mean, nostalgia, two pages of hardcore, and much more. You know it goes. I also talk about sick outfits in the movie PARTY GIRL but the contrast in the print job came out so high you can’t tell wtf anyone is wearing. Whatever."

#19: "A guide to camouflage, corporations co-opting subculture of the 1990s, a bunch of shit I just plain hate, a couple pages of music, Operation Gladio and how it relates to an Italian fashion movement, and a spread about hardcore including a little spotlight on @designated.moshers !!! Plus even more, can you believe it?"

#20: "This issue sits at 24 pages total, way more than the others you know. There’s a lot in here, including talk about local bands from your youth, interviewing the almighty FIREWALKER and BRAIN TOURNIQUET, sleeping in comfy positions when not in a bed, things you need to do when you grow up, the evolution of the cafe, a tidbit about linguistics of the Pirahã people in the Amazon, a guide to the airport, and plenty of talk about hardcore and other music I’ve been listening to. Plus even more than that, including a story about a porno guy flying a plane into a yakuza members house. "

#21: "Cold World shirt guide, visiting Dublin and Paris, getting engaged, mass surveillance, posting up, keeping warm, plenty of music, and even more."

#22: "American Nightmare's wardrobe dissected, ways we say hello physically, DC trip, normal guy shit, and more."