Soulcraft #3
Just like the Bad Brains in 1990, Apostolis is once again inviting on board of the Soulcraft. As usual you'll find a plethora of interviews and features, making it a good snapshot of hardcore the time of its release. Wanna know who's in it? Hold your breath:
Axe To Grind Podcast
Cauldron Of Burgers
Chain Reaction
Choice To Make
Delta Kapa
Mutually Assured Destruction
Never Ending Game
New Morality Zine
One King Down
One Step Closer
Promise Kept Digital
Reality Filter Photography
RGB Designs
Slam Jameson Art
World Be Free
It's the perfect zine for your summer travels, compact and packed with content, and will fit nicely in your backpack for a trip to the beach or a break while on a hike. Read it one article at a time or do the crossword, relish the high quality pictures of pile-ons and sing-alongs and remember why hardcore is great like that.
124 A5 pages in black and white, professionally printed.